Wearing of Masks

From Thursday 23 July 2020, if you live within metropolitan Melbourne or Mitchell Shire, you must wear a face covering whenever you leave your home, unless an exception applies. A face covering needs to cover both your nose and mouth. It could be a face mask or shield.
The directions of the Victorian Government state:
  • Participants 12 years and older must wear a face covering, unless an exemption applies.
  • If you are doing strenuous physical exercise you do not need to wear a face covering but you must carry one with you. Strenuous exercise can include playing tennis.
  • Coaches must wear a face covering when travelling to and from a venue and while on court unless the face covering impacts on your ability to deliver instructions or if the activity is strenuous. You must have a face covering on you at all times.
  • Members, whilst masks aren’t required during social play, they must be worn before and after you finish playing. Once you step off the court, you must have your mask with you to wear immediately. Please have them in your pocket, ready to wear and not in the car.